PngItem_690799 (1)


  • Categories
  • Members Council


The articles currently state that BASI shall have 5 membership categories; full members, life members, associate members, affiliate members and honorary members

Proposed change...

It is proposed that the category of Associate Member be removed; BASI already charge exactly the same amount for Associate & Full membership and there is no valid reason why Associate membership should exist

Benefit to members..

Removal of unnecessary bureaucracy. This will also encourage all members, irrespective of level, to take an interest in those who represent them and to have voting rights. If you're a member, you're a member, why prevent people from getting involved?


  • The BASI Board is composed of a Chairperson, a CEO, an Alpine Director, an Adaptive Director, a Snowboard Director, a Telemark Director, a Nordic Director, a Trainers' Director, a Finance Director, a Marketing Director and a Legal Director
  • The articles state that the number of Directors shall not be subject to a maximum and shall not be less than six. The current BASI Board is 10 strong, with a Chairperson, 3 x Functional Directors, 6 x Technical Directors

Proposed change...

  • It is proposed that the Board consist of a Chairperson, a Commercial Director, the BASI CEO/MD, 3 x Non-Executive Directors and a Members' Director. It is proposed that technical discipline Directors are no longer Board positions; instead, these roles shift to become members representatives on a newly formed "Members Council". The Board will be supported by an appointed Company Secretary - which is not a Director role.
  • The number of Directors on the Board will shrink to seven. The number of Representatives on the Members' Council will be six.

Benefit to members..

  • Many Directors presenting themselves for election have little appreciation of the governance and financial responsibilities they will be legally accountable for in their role. All of the current technical discipline Directors consider themselves to be representatives of their fellow members and that their skills/experience prepare them well for this; but they simply do not have the correct skillset to act as Directors. The creation of a "Members Council" (which will give ONE elected member representative a rotating seat on the Board) will ensure the members' voice is heard at but also enables those elected to do what they are best at
  • Reducing the number of Directors on the Board will lead to more effective, quality decision making whilst ensuring sufficient voices for diversity of opinion. The Board is currently too big, which can lead to silence by many and reliance on a few.