Written by New Generation Instructor Courses
Session 6 is a lung buster. Today we are going to be looking at conditioning again, dig deep and push through the pain. The aim is to keep moving and only rest when the programme says. Try not to get to focused on the number of reps you complete if you need to slow down do but do not stop. We have all had those moments when you are skiing that your legs are burning and you want to stop, this type of fitness training will help delay that.
If this is the first of our fitness blogs you have found then why not start at the beginning. Our entire programme so far is available in the Fitness for Ski Instructor Training part of our site.
Todays work out uses timed intervals rather than number of reps. An old fashioned clock on the wall is fine for timing this but I have found it is easier to use an app called A HIIT Interval Timer. It is very easy to add your own timing intervals to and emits an audio instruction so you can focus on working.
Warm up
3 sets of 2 minutes skipping
Range of motion exercises and foam roll
500m row.
Main Resistance Training
Perform 5 rounds of the following circuit of exercises. Rest 60 seconds between rounds but do NOT rest between exercises. Perform each exercise for the stated time
Burpees – 30 seconds
Star Jumps – 30 seconds
Split Jump – 30 seconds
Mountain Climber – 30 seconds
Star Jumps – 30 seconds
Split Jumps – 30 seconds
Rest 60 Seconds
The Exercises – The Technique and common faults
Star Jumps
Split Jumps
Mountain Climbers
Core Stability
Perform 3-5 rounds of the following circuit or exercises with no rest.
Wheel Roll – Perform 15 Reps – See this video for technique
V-Ups – Perform 15 reps – See this video for technique
Supermans – Perform 15 reps – See this video for technique
Saxon Side Bends – Perform 6 reps each side – See this video for technique
3 Rounds for maximum possible distance. Do not rest between rounds.
60 second row
60 second active recovery on rower (rowing but at an easy pace)
45 second row
45 second active recovery on rower
30 second row
30 second active recovery on rower
Cool down.
All over stretch and foam roll.
Missed Session 5? Find it here.