The Come Ski with BASI on Sat 12th and take part in the Scottish Masters GS. Easy to fit in both events.
Race update
Giant Slalom Sat 12th March
Slalom Sun 13th March
Training day Fri 11th March. (Informal practise courses).
Expected start time 11am.
Entry at the Cairnwell Cafe. £10 per race day.
Notice about the race at the Ticket office. In ten year age bands from 30 years old on day of race. Mens and ladies prizes in each age band. Older age bands are seeded first to race. Three runs and two to count. Its an informal race structure no gatekeepers.

The much cherished Scottish Masters Mugs are awarded as prizes to all of the ten year age bands, Men & Ladies. One of the more competitive age group rivalry’s, comes from the over 80’s section featuring David Verden- Anderson and Ian Steven. Legends of Scottish skiing. David was the managing director of Glenshee Chaillift Co. during a period of rapid expansion and the instigator of the Scottish Masters Ski Race. Ian was in charge of the British Ski Team in the early 70’s. They are still keen to give racing a go and for their efforts a wee dram of Drambuie at the prize giving. All good fun.
Look forward to seeing you at Glenshee for the 2016 Scottish Masters Ski Race.
Ed Pirie