BASI Members are booking courses!

BASI’s 15 / 16 course programme is off to a flying start and we wanted to share some highlights with you.

With the big spring courses now over and the northern hemisphere winter dusted off, we’re now going through all your  course feedback forms reviewing what got the thumbs up and the thumbs down and working on spreading the word on next season’s courses.

The launch of the 2015 / 16 course calendar in April appears to have been a big success. We’ve seen a 55% increase in course bookings from March to May compared to last year, so there are lots of you booking courses.  We believe this dramatic increase in bookings over the last few months is mainly down to the early launch of the 2015 /16 course calendar which took place in April this year compared to June in 2014.

In response to the Members’ course survey last autumn; we’ve scheduled significantly more courses both within and outside of the UK, giving you more options when selecting courses. The evidence so far suggests that this is working for you. It’s always a fine line deciding how many more courses to schedule because the danger is that you spread people over more course dates and then end up having to cancel them as there aren’t enough numbers booked on each course. So far, so good this year, so don’t forget to “share” your course dates with friends and colleagues or remind others who you think may be interested in a BASI course.

Remember not all courses are about assessment, the performance courses are non-assessed and count as a refresher.  Organised by level, the performance course aims to develop individual personal performance without the stresses of the pass/fail outcome.

Don’t forget, you can save some cash by booking your courses for next season before the 1st of July 2015 (when the new `15/16 prices kick in) and remember you only need to pay the deposit to secure last year’s price.
