The governing bodies and professional associations which represent grass roots participants, competitors and professional & volunteer instructors, guides and coaches in alpine sports have come together to form the “Alpine Sports Group”. The group is calling upon the UK government to address and rectify the negative impact of Brexit upon their members as a matter of priority, specifically the issues surrounding delivery of services into EU member states, cross-border delivery of services by British nationals resident in EU states, Recognition of Professional Qualifications and short-term visa-free working rights in Alpine countries.
The Alpine Sports Group consists of GB Snowsport, Snowsport England, Snowsport Scotland, Snowsport Wales, Disability Snowsport UK, the British Association of International Mountain Leaders, the British Association of Mountain Guides, the British Association of Snowsport Instructors and the Ski Club of Great Britain. A spokesperson for the group said “Many of the issues concerning the impact of Brexit upon British sport have been hidden by the COVID pandemic, but those involved in Alpine sports are already painfully aware of them. We need the Sport & Recreation Alliance to continue to stand up for all sport, but the Alpine Sports Group is calling upon the government to step up and address the issues which, without intervention, will severely impact Alpine sports’ grass roots participation, athlete talent pipelines and the careers of current and aspirant instructors, coaches and guides”
Published on 28th June 2021 by Tom Cloke, Interim CEO at BASI. Jointly written by the Bodies listed above.